Author: AwesomeHive Team

Fuzz Testing in GoLang

Fuzz testing, or fuzzing, is a type of automated software testing that can assist in the discovery of potential bugs and security vulnerabilities. The testing involves injecting random data (or “fuzz”) into the software being tested. This testing fram [...]

Software Design Patterns

If you are a programmer or a student pursuing computer science or a similar discipline, sooner or later, you will encounter the term “software design pattern.” According to Wikipedia, “a software design pattern is a general, reusable sol [...]

Asynchronous JavaScript

One of the keys to writing a successful web application is being able to make dozens of AJAX calls per page. Asynchronous programming used to be a challenge even for seasoned professionals, leading to aptly named phenomena like Callback Hell. This is a ty [...]

TensorFlow.js for Machine Learning

Although Python or R programming language has a relatively easy learning curve, web developers are just happy to do everything within their comfort zone of JavaScript. Considering the trend that Node.js has started, of applying JavaScript to every field. [...]